Dried Lemongrass |Natural Herb| Organic Herbal Tea |Dry Lemon Grass Hunza- 500gm

  • Item Number (EMMO): Lemongrass
  • Manufacturer: Brand Name
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Dry Lemon Grass

Lemongrass, also called citronella, is a tall, stalky plant. It has a fresh, lemony aroma and a citrus flavor. It’s a common ingredient in Thai cooking and bug repellent. Lemongrass essential oil is used in aromatherapy to freshen the air, reduce stress, and uplift the mood.


Lemon Grass Nutrients & Benefits

Lemongrass is also used as a folk remedy to promote sleep, relieve pain, and boost immunity. One of the most popular ways to enjoy lemongrass is in tea. lemongrass contains several antioxidants, which can help scavenge free radicals in your body that may cause disease. Lemongrass tea may help treat oral infections and cavities. The citral in lemongrass is also thought to have potent anticancer abilities against some cancer cell lines. Several components of lemongrass help fight cancer. A cup of lemongrass tea is a go-to alternative remedy for upset stomach, stomach cramping, and other digestive problems. In the world of natural health, lemongrass is a known diuretic. A diuretic makes you urinate more often, ridding your body of excess fluid and sodium.

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